Promoting good oral health among your employees not only protects their own overall health, but also the well-being of your business. Neglected preventive care and emergency situations translate into distracted workers, sick and lost work days, and additional health issues. We can provide services to help your employees stay healthy.
The resources below have been designed to help you promote our services at your workplace.
Important Documents & Resources
This GNDC Brochure .pdf file below can be printed and distributed to employees. This brochure explains our programs, services and includes Spanish translation.
GNDC Brochure
This GNDC Workplace Flyer .pdf file below can be saved and emailed to employees. The flyer explains our services.
GNDC Workplace Flyer
The GNDC Workplace Flyer with Tear-Off Tabs below can be printed and posted in high-traffic areas such as break and lunch rooms. This flyer explains our services and has tabs with contact information that can be torn off.
GNDC Workplace Flyer with Tear-Off Tabs
This GNDC Paycheck Insert.pdf file below can be printed, cut and used as paycheck stuffers and explains our services.
GNDC Paycheck Insert
How Can We Help?
Please reach out to learn more about our services and how we can help your employees access affordable, quality dental care.